Biodiversity and its importance 🌱
Short for the term “biological diversity,” biodiversity refers to all life on Earth. This definition might sound broad, but biodiversity includes a “variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria,” according to the WWF. Encompassing the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that take place to maintain balance and support life, biodiversity spans from…
Circular Economy, Explained ♻
Right now, our future is plagued by a linear economy that reigns in the majority of the world, with the exception of a few fascinating cities. This process is as follows:We harvest natural resources from Earth and manufacture unsustainable products, which are then sold to customers for consumption, and ultimately end up as waste –…
Beginner’s Guide to Thrifting
You may have heard the phrase, “Let’s go thrifting!” What it means is shopping second-hand. Thrift stores sell gently used items or “defective” items that big box stores couldn’t sell. Now, there are many more places to shop for second-hand stuff – stop at a garage sale, find a flea market, check out an estate…
Low-Waste Laundry Day 🧺
A few years ago, my partner and I made the switch from toxic laundry detergent, packaged in plastic, to healthy, sustainable sheets. Arriving in plastic-free packaging, these washer and dryer sheets were the sustainable swaps we never knew we needed. Personally, I prefer the Free & Clear unscented ones because my skin is super sensitive;…
What is Greenwashing? How to Spot It 👀
“Greenwash This: Dumping 500 lbs of Coal at Bank of America” by Rainforest Action Network is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
Easy Eco Swaps for the Restroom 🚽
By nature, humans are not sustainable. We need to consume sustenance and dispel waste in order to survive. Regardless, the philosophy behind zero waste is to “take only what you need and redesign or re-imagine our use of products, using only that which can be reused or composted, rather than sent to landfills or incinerated.”…
Easy Eco Swaps for Your Kitchen 👩🍳
Household water filter – Drinking from the tap is really easy when you live in an area with high-quality ground water. When you don’t, instead of buying plastic water bottles all the time, save money by investing in a water filter. If you like it cold, get a handheld one and put it in your…
Easy Eco Swaps for Busy Bees 🐝
Alternative transportation – If public transportation is a viable option, opt for it. If you have to use an electric skateboard for that last mile commute, do it! If not, try biking to school, work, or anywhere else for that matter. Reusable water bottle – Whenever you leave the house, make sure to grab a…
The 5 R’s of Sustainability
What is sustainability? A relevant dictionary definition is, “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance.” Naturally, that is a gigantic goal for our descendants to thrive here on Earth. Hopefully we all know the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – a…
Who is the sustainable hypocrite?
Good morning! My name is Samantha Skye, nickname Sam, and I am a big fan of sustainability. I don’t always make the most sustainable decisions, but I did just get engaged! 💍 For my first blog post, I’m going to explain why I chose this title and what you can expect from The Sustainable Hypocrite…